You’re reading Novel “The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: salam ciuman, My Sweet Wife” on LISTNOVEL.COM Status in COO: bab (sedang berlangsung) Ringkasan “Pak, jangan!”
“Your clothes are already soaked, you’re still refusing?” he says with a wicked look on his face.
“Yeah mommy, I was just excited to meet a godfather that looks exactly like me, were you really that agitated to the point of pouring water on yourself?” The cute little genius brings an identical looking man and child to mommy. “Lihat, one for one! It’s super worth it!”
She looks at the three carbon copies in front of her, the colour draining from her face. Tanpa mengatakan apapun, he pins her against the wall, “Your son has already sold you to me, be good and become my wife!”
“Tuan, we’re not well acquainted!”
“We’ve slept together, and you still claim we’re not well acquainted? We’ve already have two children together, are we not close?”
The noble lord is fierce and shameless when spoiling his wife. He can be cruel to everyone else just to win her smile.
“Pak, aside from being stubborn, apa lagi yang bisa kamu lakukan??”
“I can spoil you, pamper you, bed you!” he says with a meaningful look.
………………………………………………………………………… Pembaca yang budiman. Kami berterima kasih telah membaca novel online gratis di Listnovel. Kami berharap Anda akan memiliki momen bahagia dan nyaman saat bepergian bersama kami. Kami akan mencoba memperbarui novel terbaru dan tercepat untuk dikirim ke pembaca. Baik gambar maupun kontennya bukan milik saya. Mereka diunggah di sini, bukan untuk tujuan buruk apa pun tetapi hanya untuk hiburan. Jika Anda menemukan kesalahan ( tautan rusak, konten non-standar, dll.. ), Harap beri tahu kami agar kami dapat memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Anda dapat membaca lebih banyak novel panas “Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Dandy“ di sini.
Terima kasih! Menampilkan lebih banyak