You’re reading Novel “The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady” on LISTNOVEL Status in COO:63 bab (Menyelesaikan)
2 LN Volumes Description Syltina was originally a Duke’s daughter.
Sentenced to exile two years ago, she crossed over to the neighboring country and entered its Guild. The current Syltina, who became strong to the extent that even foreign countries knew her name, was summoned by the country which exiled her. In order to purify the land defiled by monsters, Syltina gets stuck in a journey with a partner who constantly has zero motivation, the girl from the different world who drove her into banishment, the First Prince who was her former fiance, her former brother who is a Knight and a pointlessly shy magician. This is the story of Syltina slicing off enemies, playing the part of a Straight Man (tsukkomi) dan terkadang, kebodohan (boke) to her companions. …………………………………………………………………………
Pembaca yang budiman. Kami berterima kasih telah membaca novel online gratis di Listnovel. Kami berharap Anda akan memiliki momen bahagia dan nyaman saat bepergian bersama kami. Kami akan mencoba memperbarui novel terbaru dan tercepat untuk dikirim ke pembaca. Baik gambar maupun kontennya bukan milik saya. Mereka diunggah di sini, bukan untuk tujuan buruk apa pun tetapi hanya untuk hiburan. Jika Anda menemukan kesalahan ( tautan rusak, konten non-standar, dll.. ), Harap beri tahu kami agar kami dapat memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Terima kasih!
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