You’re reading Novel “The General’s Beloved Wife: Tidak tahu malu, Sweetheart” on LISTNOVEL.COM Status in COO: bab (sedang berlangsung) Synopsis In a fighter aircraft, a wild but delicate-looking girl is found climbing over the thighs of a man. “I’m gonna bed you, Uncle General!” Her declaration gets the man smirking with narrowed eyes. “Gadis, are you sure you want to sit right on me? You’ll faint from the pain.”
Jiang Mianmian eventually becomes General Zhan’s pampered little lover after their fiery night together. Under his commands, she’s forced to quit smoking, minum, and skipping classes… but she has finally reached her limits after her repeated failed attempts of resistance.
Jadi, on the day of her coming-of-age ceremony, she hooks her arms around a handsome boy and leads him over to the general. "Ini pacarku, Paman. Ayo bercerai!” The man’s eyes turns icy cold at that.
The girl receives a good spanking from the wasted general that night. Her eyes bulge in horror as she cries out piteously, "Tidak, tidak ada, Paman!” “My dear Mianmian…” The smirking general caresses her face in response. “You were the one begging me to take you on the aircraft that night!”
Just one taste of the tender lass has gotten him addicted and lusting for more, Lu Ze tidak bisa menahan perasaan sedih tentang seni dewa petir, sepanjang hari, he would force her to relive that passionate night with him…
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