Anda sedang membaca Novel web Cina “Siaran Memasak Langsung Harian Film Emperor“ di LISTNOVEL.COM Status di COO: 125 bab (Lengkap) Description On the Star Network there is a gourmet food broadcast, where all you can see are a pair of hands. However each dish that this broadcast comes out with is earthshakingly delicious. Apalagi, the broadcast anchor’s voice is simply perfect!
With the broadcast’s rising popularity, several food programs extended him an olive branch. When the anchor appeared on screen, as they suspected, he is handsome enough to incur the wrath of both men and gods! The fans licked their screens with increasing frenzy, but after licking a while, they discovered… Fans:…Tunggu sebentar, isn’t this our fatally-ill idol who hasn’t long to live? Small Gong: Take these damned nutrient solutions and throw them away! And get me that broadcast anchor! …………………………………………………………………………
Pembaca yang budiman. Kami berterima kasih telah membaca novel online gratis di Listnovel. Kami berharap Anda akan memiliki momen bahagia dan nyaman saat bepergian bersama kami. Kami akan mencoba memperbarui novel terbaru dan tercepat untuk dikirim ke pembaca. Baik gambar maupun kontennya bukan milik saya. Mereka diunggah di sini, bukan untuk tujuan buruk apa pun tetapi hanya untuk hiburan. Jika Anda menemukan kesalahan ( tautan rusak, konten non-standar, dll.. ), Harap beri tahu kami agar kami dapat memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Anda dapat membaca lebih banyak novel panas “Aktris Top Termanis di My Home: Good Morning Chief’” di sini. Terima kasih!
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