You’re reading Novel “Love from The Koi Goddess” on LISTNOVEL.COM Status in COO: bab (sedang berlangsung) Synopsis Across the entire Heavens, there only exists the first morphing Koi who dominates the flow of Luck and Fate. Jinli, the one and only Koi Goddess.
Owing to her drunkenness, Jinli’s soul fleeted through the three Spiritual Realms and found her way into the corpse of a third-tier actress, Bai Jinli, who had just passed away.
As the Queen of Scandal in the entertainment industry, Bai Jinli is notorious for her lesser than acceptable acting skills, explosive ego, and the recent flirtatious exploitation of the talented and handsome male celebrity, Lu Qingyuan.
On a daily basis, Anti-fans scream their lungs out: Menggerutu! Get your vulgar being out of the industry! Namun, on a certain fateful day, the haters saw a radical turn on Jinli’s Weibo:
Jinli: Was really bored, so I drew up 10 Good Luck Charms for you guys! Retweet and like to stand a chance to get it 🙂
Anti-fans: "Huuu! What a lousy tactic to gain popularity and fame! Whoever who actually retweets for this is a freaking retard!”
Namun, things were quite different a month later –
“Oh, tersayang, tercantik, cutest Daddy Jinli! Are there any more lucky draws?”
………………………………………………………………………… Pembaca yang budiman. Kami berterima kasih telah membaca novel online gratis di Listnovel. Kami berharap Anda akan memiliki momen bahagia dan nyaman saat bepergian bersama kami. Kami akan mencoba memperbarui novel terbaru dan tercepat untuk dikirim ke pembaca. Baik gambar maupun kontennya bukan milik saya. Mereka diunggah di sini, bukan untuk tujuan buruk apa pun tetapi hanya untuk hiburan. Jika Anda menemukan kesalahan ( tautan rusak, konten non-standar, dll.. ), Harap beri tahu kami agar kami dapat memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Anda dapat membaca lebih banyak novel panas “Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Dandy“ di sini.
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