You’re reading Chinese Web Novel “Forever Youth“ on LISTNOVEL.COM Status in COO:Ongoing Description I grew up in a dysfunctional family, surrounded by neighbors, tidak, strangers who looked at us with sneering eyes. Ayahku, he was a hoodlum and my mother a lady of the evening or for better or worse, a harlot. I thought it was normal, that this life I lived was normal. Lagipula, this was the only life I’ve ever known.
Meskipun sebagian besar waktu, they hardly bothered over my well-being and dread going home, home to that deserted house. Bertahap, I began to hate life… or so I thought ‘till a girl of my own age, yet older than me, appeared like a spring flower. Her name was Qing Qing and she was born in the middle of winter. I call her Big Sister Qing Qing. Saat dia tersenyum, she had those two sweet dimples adorning her cheeks as her pair of beautiful long hair shone under the rays of the sun. Her pink pleated skirt was an elegant contrast to her white and fragrant figure.
Looking at her… my heart thumped… I think she stole my heart without notice, without me knowing. And I fell hard. …………………………………………………………………………………
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