You’re reading Chinese web Novel “Can You Love Me?” on LISTNOVEL Status in COO:527 bab (Lengkap) Description “Sanye, do you know that you are like a book. Every time I see you I want to … sleep.”
Setelah beberapa keraguan, Xin Ai finally decided to approach Jian Sanye, who was famous for his power. She tried hard to make him happy, justify thousands of ways, sacrifice self-esteem and dignity, with the main goal to find her missing sister. Tiga bulan kemudian, the man threw a check in front of her, “I’m tired.” Xin Ai stood up with her innocent body without a single strand, tersenyum kecut dan berkata, "Baiklah, I’ll go as far away from you as possible.” When they met again, Xin Ai closed her eyes to Jian Sanye’s presence, it made the man angrily push her against the wall, “We’ve slept together a few times. Is it so easy to forget me?”
Xin Ai smiled so sweetly and teasingly, putting her hand on the shoulder of the man, "Maaf, I have slept with quite a few men, sometimes I can’t remember it even happening. If I may know, siapa namamu, Pak?” “Just watch, I’ll make you remember who I am.” ……………………………………………………………………….. Pembaca yang budiman.
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