You’re reading Chinese web Novel “ Beastly Fēi That Goes Against the Heaven: Coerced by the Huáng Shū” on LISTNOVEL.COM Status in COO: 2237 Chapters Synopsis “Yang Mulia, someone cursed the Imperial Concubine to be a demon star.”
“Cut his tongue and feed it to dogs.” A certain King said in a light and gentle manner. “Yang Mulia, someone’s hand accidentally bumped into the Imperial Concubine.” “Chop his hand and feed it to wolves.” In an indifferent manner, a certain King said possessively. “Yang Mulia, someone said that the Imperial Concubine ran away.”
“Melarikan diri?” A certain King’s sharp eyes narrowed, lalu berkata sambil mencibir: “It’s best if she doesn’t get caught by this King, otherwise this King will let her become aware of what ‘wanting to stop but can’t’ means**. A modern era crossed over to become a wolf-girl. She originally believed that she could dance around with wolves, and in the end she truly did, but this ‘wolf’ was one of those wolves. He was a perverted wolf!! ……………………………………………………………………. Pembaca yang budiman.
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