Vous lisez “Technology Bigshot” novel at WuxiaWorld.Site A talented young man, Ren Hong, drops out of Tsinghua University to establish a technology company called XlouS.
XlouS’s breakthrough application software, “Real-Time Online Translator”, gains the favor of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, who buys its exclusive license for a whopping 12 milliards de dollars.
This is just the start of XlouS’s rise to prominence in China’s technology industry. Deux ans plus tard, it subsequently launches the wearable smart device, “S-1”, challenging American multinational tech company Apple Inc.’s iPhone.
XlouS continues to pioneer multiple industries by developing advanced holographic imaging technology, leading to a new wave of changes in film following 3D and IMAX…
As XlouS’s slogan declares, every technological product it launches exists to “Change the World”, and it is all because of this young man, Ren Hong… Show more