Vous lisez “Mariage choyé parfait: Bonjour, Mari” novel at WuxiaWorld.Site “Hubby, someone bullied me.” A few minutes later, a certain company had gone bankrupt.
"Mon mari, someone likes me.” A few hours later, a certain confessor disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
"Mon mari, I want to end our friendship, break up, get a divorce.”
She escaped abroad to live a free and easy life, and in the next instant he showed up at the door of her new home…
“Come home.” “We’re already divorced!” “I live right next to you. You may meet with me any time you like.”
Le premier jour, on a frappé à sa porte. “I won’t meet you!"
Le deuxième jour, her phone blew up with calls. “I still won’t meet you!"
Le troisième jour, her company had a new president.
Quelques jours plus tard, she knocked on his door helplessly. "Mon mari, can we set a meeting?Je ne peux pas faire ça